tecnologie biotrack

National Research Council

The CNR is the main Italian institution for the promotion of science and research. Its mission is to conduct and promote research activities in the main fields of knowledge and to provide technological solutions to the emerging needs of society.

The CNR employs about 8600 people, of which more than half is represented by researchers and technologists. They are joined by about 4000 young researchers engaged in post-doctoral activities.

The CNR is divided into 7 scientific areas represented by 7 Departments.

Through this organization in units dedicated to macro-areas of scientific and technological research, as well as n Research Institutes scattered throughout the national territory, the CNR pursues its mission of promoting technological innovation, technology transfer for economic development and the competitiveness of the national industry.

The Institute of Complex Systems (ISC) of the CNR was founded in 2004 and is, at present, one of the largest institutes within the institution. It consists of 2 units (ISC Sapienza and ISC Sesto Fiorentino) in which more than 70 researchers and about 30 young researchers with grants and postdoctoral fellowships are involved. A large part of the Institute is located in the Physics Department of the Sapienza University of Rome with which there is a strong collaboration.

The Institute research activities cover a wide range of topics (for more details www.isc.cnr.it) such as:

  • Complexity in soft matter
  • Cultural heritage
  • Transport and diffusion processes
  • Complexity in granular systems and other stationary and out-of-equilibrium systems
  • Collective behaviour in natural and artificial systems
  • Complexity in techno-social systems
  • Complex materials and quantum physics
  • Photonics of complex systems